A new Fraction from Mysia and the coinage of Parion

Damián Salgado


A hitherto apparently unpublished silver fraction raises again the question of identification of Fifth Century Parion issues, and the origin of the “calf licking his back” type. While most references attribute the silver coins of this type with an incuse square reverse to Macedonian mints, we suggest here that some of these coins, including this apparently unpublished specimen, might be identified as the earliest, mid-fifth Century BC issues of Parion in Mysia.

Texte intégral :



AMNG (1898-1935) Die Antiken Münzen Nord-Griechenlands (4 vols.), Berlin, F. Imhoof-Blumer

(Editor), Kgl. Akademie der Wissenschaften.(The volume IV, Mysia -1913- was never


KNIGHT R. P. (1786: Ed. 1865) A Discourse on the Worship of Priapus. London.

POZZI S. (1920) Monnaies Gecques Antiques provenant de la Collection de feu le Prof. S. Pozzi.

Reproduction anastatique du catalogue émis par Dr. Jacob Hirsch á Genève en 1920, reprinted

in 1966, Geneve.

RUTTER N. K. (1997) Greek Coinages of Southern Italy and Sicily. Spink, London.

TOPALOV S. A. (2005) Urban Bronze Coins of Small Denomination from the Propontis Area.


WAGGONER N. M. & ROSEN J. P. (1983) Early Greek Coins from the Collection of Jonathan P.

Rosen (Ancient Coins in North American Collections Nr. 5), American Num. Society, New



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